“Sign Me Up For That!” What Makes a Professional Goose Dog?

“Sign Me Up For That!” What Makes a Professional Goose Dog?

One of the most common things that we hear whenever we discuss our work with people is, “Oh wow! My dog would be so good at that!” or, “My dog loves to run, how do I sign up?” At Geese Guys we LOVE all dogs! We find their antics and joyful nature endlessly amusing, and we love to talk to our community partners about their furry friends.

Identifying Canada Geese vs Cackling Geese

Identifying Canada Geese vs Cackling Geese

Canada geese are some of the easiest birds to spot. They’re big, they’re loud, and they have unique coloring. It’s hard to mix them up with other species – or is it? You might be surprised to learn that we have more than one species of goose in the Pacific Northwest that is grayish-brown with a black neck and white chinstrap.

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire the Geese Guys

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3 Reasons Why You Should Hire the Geese Guys

It’s a crisp, cool spring morning in the Pacific Northwest. Sun beams break through tree branches and songbirds trill their tunes in the early hours of the day. A light fog sits across the dew heavy ground. It is such a beautiful thing to be able to enjoy moments like these in peaceful and natural areas; to take walks, to breathe fresh air, to step freely off into the . . . giant pile of goose poop?

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