It’s a crisp, cool spring morning in the Pacific Northwest. Sun beams break through tree branches and songbirds trill their tunes in the early hours of the day. A light fog sits across the dew heavy ground. It is such a beautiful thing to be able to enjoy moments like these in peaceful and natural areas; to take walks, to breathe fresh air, to step freely off into the . . . giant pile of goose poop?

Gross! What a bummer.


If you’ve spent any time enjoying the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest within the last few years, you may have noticed a significant increase in the number of geese that have been inhabiting places like parks, schools and golf courses. Although a few geese can be enjoyable to have around, overpopulation can quickly cause some significant problems in the environment, potentially posing health risks to humans and other wildlife. On top of that, large numbers of geese often produce an unsightly mess that can be difficult and expensive to clean up. Once geese have moved into an area, they may return frequently or even stay indefinitely, especially if the location comes complete with a beautifully manicured landscape buffet for them to enjoy. So how does one address problematic geese on their property without hurting the birds or breaking any laws? The short answer? Call Geese Guys.

Why Should I Call Geese Guys?

Geese Guys designs and implements comprehensive and humane Goose Management Programs for both cackling and Canada geese that specifically address the needs and challenges of our clients’ properties. We use highly trained border collies and other select dog breeds to simulate natural predators, clearing both cackling and Canada geese off your property.

We also use other auxiliary methods, all humane, to train the geese as quickly and effectively as possible. Here’s why our customized Goose Management Program is the right solution for your goose problem:

These programs are safe.

Shhh, don’t tell the geese, but they are never in any real danger while being hazed as a part of our Goose Management Programs. The entire Geese Guys team is committed to ensuring that everyone involved in this process, humans, dogs and geese, are all kept safe. Each member of our team, both human and canine, was specifically selected for their exceptional personality and inherent skills. They also receive extensive and on-going training which allows them to be reliable, consistent, and predictable in their performance every time they arrive at a property. Our teams are able to work safely around any kind of person and in any environment without concern.

These programs are humane.

There aren’t a lot of humane options for managing geese who have settled into a habitat they like, and even fewer which bring no harm to the geese. The Goose Management Programs designed by Geese Guys hinge on a thorough understanding of goose biology and behavior. We apply learning theory, training goose populations to adjust their behavioral patterns over time. Through the careful use of humane hazing methods, Geese Guys makes favored feeding and nesting grounds less attractive, which ultimately results in geese choosing to explore other options.

Ultimately, these programs work.

There are many methods that people can try before turning to a comprehensive Goose Management Program. Flags or fake predators are popular choices, and they often work temporarily. It only takes one goose, though, to realize that the plastic coyote doesn’t move much or that the flag isn’t really an obstacle, and it’s pretty much all over from there. It is not an uncommon sight to see large flocks of geese peacefully grazing in a grassy area with several fake coyotes, or in a field full of large white flags waving above their heads. Geese Guys introduces real dogs into an area, simulating the predatory sequence. The geese quickly start to believe that these spaces are no longer the safe haven that they once were, and over time make the decision to find somewhere else to be. Due to the detailed nature of the program design, these results are predictable and repeatable regardless of the type of property we are working on.

Got Geese? We’d love to talk to you about how we can reduce the impact of problematic goose populations on your life. With over a decade of experience humanely managing wildlife in the Pacific Northwest, we have the experience needed to make your property safer and minimize the mess. In short, if you’ve got a goose problem, Geese Guys can help.

It’s Safe. It’s Humane. It Works. Got Geese?

Special Offer! Contact us now for a free site assessment!
